And I made a couple flags actually, but this one I submitted to a blog on Tumblr about genderfluidity and gender fluid people. The original LGBT pride flag contained the colors hot pink, meant to represent sexuality, and turquoise, meant to represent magic or art, depending on the.
In partnership with Philadelphias Office of LGBT Affairs, we took an iconic symbol of unity, the rainbow flag. 'I wouldn’t call myself an artist, but I’ve dabbled with drawing and bits of Photoshop, so I decided to create it myself. So, for Pride 2017 we met this issue head on. I found genderfluid to be fitting but was disappointed with the lack of symbolic representation,' Poole said. At the time I knew genderqueer fit me, but it still felt too broad.
'I had been trying to find an identity that fit me. In an interview with Majestic Mess Designs, Poole said they created the flag because genderfluidity lacked a symbol and the term 'genderqueer' didn't exactly fit. Hot pink wasnt included in the fabrication of these flags, because the fabric was hard to find. This flag includes the colors red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, and violet on it. Purple: Represents both masculinity and feminity The 6-Color Pride Flag is one of the most well-known and used LGBT flags throughout history. The flag was created by JJ Poole in 2012 according to OutRight Action International. How often someone's identity shifts depends on the individual. People who are genderfluid don't identify with one gender, but rather their gender identity shifts between male, female, or somewhere else on the spectrum.